<aside> <img src="/icons/exclamation-mark_gray.svg" alt="/icons/exclamation-mark_gray.svg" width="40px" /> This information is for Panem Planning Committee eyes only.


Train cars.

Train cars.

Justice Building, D6

Justice Building, D6

Bullet train.

Bullet train.



INDUSTRY: Transportation. D6 is primarily responsible for the production of transportation vehicles, meaning much of the District works in engineering and factory-based production of parts and assembly. A secondary product includes military technology.

ENVIRONMENT: A small District of the same size as B.D.D. Detroit. Mildly industrialized and consisting of Burroughs that produce different parts of the overall assembly line for transportation production.


CAPITALIST ECONOMY — Due to the District’s history of good spirit and a lack of Rebellion, D6’s economy runs much like D1 or D3’s. Meaning, its citizens earn a wage for their work, albeit they must purchase their own goods. Many citizens live paycheck-to-paycheck, but a majority of the population are middle class. The Capitol and some District 1 citizens have investment firms in D6. These firms make millions off of investments and loans every year. Debt is a common occurrence in D6. These firms were allowed in the District as an effort to counteract a growing group of militant rebels who were taking over entire city blocks, providing mutual aid to citizens, and assisting in the formation of unions for better wages. Allowing citizens to take out loans undermined these efforts effectively.

JOB DIVERSITY — Because of the greater freedoms afforded by its economy, District 6 citizens are able to fund their own entrepreneurial endeavors. While the Planning Committee has ensured that working in the factories is the more monetary beneficial choice, many find this sacrifice worth it for the freedom to work their own job. The Planning Committee is tracking this mid-level District’s response to this freedom to see if it could improve content in other Districts.

*HAZARD PAY & DEATH BENEFITS — A D5 citizens never receives rations or monetary compensation for time off due to an injury. Employees only receive monetary benefits if a family member passes due to hazardous conditions.

HEALTHCARE — Healthcare is not subsidized, not even in work-related incidences.

CHILD LABOR — Like other Districts, D6 has legalized child labor that can cause unrest from time to time.

THE UPRISING — District 6 rioted steadily for a year, though it took the rebels almost the entire time to take full control of the District. Throughout the course of the Rebellion, the District sent stolen trains and other vehicles to those fighting on the front lines. As terms of surrender, the rebels gave up the information of where they sent said stolen vehicles, allowing the Capitolists to undermine rebels in other Districts, seizing, targeting, and dismantling a majority of vehicles in service. Because of their surrender, District 6 avoided the worst of the initial fallout from the rebel’s lost, but that isn’t to say that conditions are markedly better.